Can I cancel an order?
No, Besttwitch exclusively offers digital products, which means refunds are only granted in exceptional circumstances. However, if you're dissatisfied with our product or services, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. Ensuring your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we'll collaborate with you to find a resolution.
Can I use the design I bought on any streaming platform?
Yes, the design you purchased can typically be used on any streaming platform of your choice. Our designs are versatile and compatible with popular streaming platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Facebook Gaming, and more. You can customize and apply the design to create a cohesive and professional brand presence across multiple platforms.
How can I access my previously purchased downloads?
Yes, you can easily access all your orders at any time. Just head over to the "My Account" page and click on the "My Orders" tab. There, you will find a comprehensive list of all your orders along with convenient download links for quick access to your purchased items.
How can I create an account?
You can create an account by simply using one of your existing accounts on Google or Facebook. Another option is to register by using your email address.
How does payment work?
We offer different payment methods depending on your country.
I forgot my password
To reset your password, follow these simple steps:
- Visit the login section and click on "Log In."
- Look for the "Forgot Password" link below the password field.
- Click the link, and an email will be sent to you containing further instructions for resetting your password.
- If you prefer, you can log in using your Twitch or Discord account, eliminating the need to remember a separate password.
Please note that the exact process for password reset may vary slightly depending on the specific platform or website you are using.
I have problems logging into my account
If you have problems logging in, first check if your password was entered correctly. If you have forgotten your password, you can easily request a new one using our Forgot Password function.